Sunday, January 18, 2009

CIOS108 Orientation Quiz

A. What is something that is going well in your life?
A roof over my head, a decent job and the privilege of being able to attend school.

B. What are your specific goals for this class?
Get a good foundation on graphic design and photoshop

C. What was your first experience with design, computers and
imaging technology like?
We made a website in my high school web class, and before that I can remember playing with Macs in middle school doing various things. Throughout the years I've done random little things here and their with computer graphics, from making avatars to editing family photos.

D. Do you usually work on a Mac or a PC and why?
PC. Gamer. ;)

E. What is your experience level with any of the other image editing
or vector programs available?
I've used GIMP a bit and am obviously familiar with MSPaint.

F. What is something you liked about your day today?
All you can eat brunch at Mi Casa.

G. How do you plan to use what you learn in this class?
In my internet activities and hopefully use it in the start of my journey to be a graphic designer.

H. What would make this class go very well for you?
Clear instructions and concise online classes seem to be what works best for me. I also like knowing if I have to contact the instructor, I don't have to wait sometimes 2 or 3 days before a reply.

I. How do you plan to make this class go very ell for you?
I've already got certain times of the day and week scheduled for me to work in this class. Distance courses work well for me.

J. What do you do for creativity on an on‐going basis?
Lots of music, meditation, reading and taking in my surroundings.

K. Who is Milton Glaser? Paul Bass?
No idea. I could Google it, but that wouldn't be any fun...

L. Do you own or have access to a color image scanner?
Indeed I do

M. What software application will you be using for the course?
Ps3 primarily but I acquired most of the programs; PS3, Illustrator, Gimp, and will try out Fireworks probably too.

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